Sep 28, 2008 | Class of 2009, High School Senior Portraits
Here’s Ashley & Brittney from Plymouth – another set of twins I’ve photographed for senior portraits. Here’s a sneak peak of Ashley (she’s the oldest): and Brittney: And of course I was able to take a few of them...Sep 27, 2008 | Beach Portraits, Class of 2009, High School Senior Portraits
Jillian came down to Old Silver Beach from Clinton, MA for her session. Her family summers in Pocasset, so she wanted beach portraits. She brought the most perfect outfits with colors to go with the areas around the beach. And since I don’t photograph at Old...Sep 25, 2008 | Class of 2009, High School Senior Portraits
Troy is a Wide Receiver on the Plymouth South Football team. He opted to have his session at the beautiful beach in his neighborhood in Cedarville. His session was originally scheduled just a few weeks ago, but we had to postpone it due to a Mohawk. Apparently a lot...Sep 24, 2008 | Class of 2009, High School Senior Portraits
Meet Dag – short for “Dagmawi”, which is an Ethiopian name. Dag is a senior at Thayer Academy, where he is the Running Back for the football team. Here’s a few images from his “Walk in the Park” senior portrait session:Sep 23, 2008 | Class of 2009, High School Senior Portraits
Jeff is in the Electrical program at South. He gets to leave school in the morning to go to work on a construction job. Here’s a sneak peek at his senior portraits: His little brother came along, too. You can tell he just idolizes Jeff…