I traveled to Justin’s family cottage in Popponesset for a 2-for-1 senior portrait session with his friend Tadhg. They all come from way up in Georgetown, MA but spend a lot of the summer at the Cape. Despite Tropical Storm Bill passing offshore the night shore, the weather was beautiful. The surf was still pretty high and I actually went into the water to get the angle I wanted and was hit by a huge wave that pretty much soaked my pants. Camera was OK, though! And the water was surprisingly warm – though I’m used to the Scusset and Sagamore Beach water, where there’s always ice cubes floating in it. 😉
So here’s a couple of my favorites of Justin:
we made some use of Sunfish hanging out on the beach:Here’s Tadhg (an old Irish name, pronounced “Tige”):
And I also included a ‘mini-session’ of Justin and his brother and sister: